
Juan Larraín, Ph.D.
Titular Professor
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Biochemist, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile (1993)
Ph.D., Cellular and Molecular Biology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile (1998)
Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA (De Robertis' Laboratory), (1998-2002).
Curriculum vitae
Sol Torruella, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. student in Neuroscience, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Professional Degree on Pharmaceutical Chemist, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Karina González, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. student in Cell and Molecular Biology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile Professional Degree on Engineer in Biotechnology, University Arturo Prat
Claudia Parra Ruiz, Research Assistant
Professional Degree on Biochemistry, University of Chile
Mauricio Herrera, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. student in Biological Sciences, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Professional Degree on Biochemistry, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Patricia Morgado, Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D. in Bioengineering Systems, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Professional Degree on Biomedical Scientist, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Maximiliano Leseigneur Ossa, Lab Manager
Professional Degree on Biotechnology engineer, Technological University of Chile
Katherinne Navarrete Gómez, Research Associate
Postdoctoral Fellow
MPhil/PhD in Molecular Biology, MRC SGDP centre, Institute of Psychiatry; King's College London University (Tutor: Dr. Leonard Shalkwyk, Cotutores: Dr. Nicholas Bray Prof. David A. Collier)
Paula Slater, Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular biology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Professional Degree on Biochemistry, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Johany Peñailillo Lazo, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. student in Cell and Molecular Biology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile
Professional Degree on Biochemistry, University of Chile
Maximiliano Norambuena, Bioterium Manager
Professional Degree on Medical Technology, San Sebastian University
Miriam Palacios, Research Assistant
Professional Degree on Civil Engineer in Biotechnology, University of Chile
- Constanza Mounieres
- Víctor Tapia
- Rosana Muñoz
- Emilio Méndez
- Dasfne Lee-Liu
- Daniel Guzmán Gundermann
- Gabriela Edwards
- Héctor Carrasco
- Francisco Aroca
- Pablo Astudillo
- Renzo Bruno
- Francisco Bustos
- Loreto Carvallo
- Esteban Contreras
- Osvaldo Contreras
- Noelia Escobedo
- Marcia Gaete
- Charlotte Hill
- Mariana Labarca
- Mauricio Moreno
- Carlos Oliva
- Gonzalo Olivares
- Claudio Orbenes
- Natalia Sánchez
- Fabián Segovia
- Ricardo Tampe
- Karina Tapia
- Javier von Marées
- Nikole Zuñiga